CCLI Project Page
WebToTeach Home Page
WebToTeach DEMO For SIGCSE2000
Try the demo
(Note: The exercises in this demo were written at different times
by different people in the project-- there IS a learning curve and
you will discover a variation in quality. One issue that we are
currently making a lot of progress on is detecting and handling
language errors [syntax, etc.] in a positive way. The exercises
available for the Clinical Trial will be better than the ones
here in that regard.)
- After reading these directions, click on the link below.
You might want to use the browser option to "open
the link in a new window".
- Upon clicking the link, you get the Student Login form.
- First pick a course: choose SIGCSE2000 DEMO.
- Enter the Username: type DEMO.
- Enter the Password: type DEMO. (see a pattern?)
- Upon clicking the Login button, you get the main Student Login form.
- Click "View Assignment List". You will see a list of exercises.
Clicking any one of them will bring up a screen with exercise
instructions and a text area for submitting an exercise.
- Try them! Try different right answers for each exercise. Try different
wrong answers for each exercise.
- You can always get to the main list of exercises by clicking
"View Assignment List", but there are Prev and Next links
on the screens as well.
- Summary: SIGCSE 2000 DEMO/DEMO/DEMO/Login --- View Assignment List --- try exercises
- Ready? Click below: