Computers & the Internet

I was raised on a copmuter, nearly. That is not to say that I'm some hairy kind of hacker, just that I'm quite familiar with them... and that I love them. In fact, it would be safe to say that I love just about anything that runs on electricity.

When I was about 7 years old, and Alexis was 12 he bought his first computer -- an Apple II+. By the time I was in 5th grade, I was writing my reports on the AppleWorks word processor, and playing Ultima till dawn. BTW, did you know that ultima was written in BASIC?

Well, that was 17 years ago. Now I work for Panix, have been full-time for 3 years, and have been known to say things like "Ya know what we need? A mac emulator that runs on UNIX." The internet has become a major part of my life, and so, a major part of my webspace.