The Third Frikkin' Delay

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Sometimes it seems to me that my life is just a series of blown exits.

You know that uncomfortable feeling you get when you say goodbye to a whole bunch of people, like at the end of a wedding, and you're all like, "Goodbye! I'll miss you! Don't forget to write! Have a safe trip!" and you've gone and hugged everyone twice and amidst much fanfare and with many flourishes you sweep out... only to return 8 minutes later having left your scarf in the coat check? And everyone's thinking "you again? I thought we already sent you on your way?" And no-one really wants to talk to you, you're like an instant pariah, no-one wants to acknowledge that you're there, because you've gone and ruined a perfectly good moment with your crass return to the scene.

Well I get that all the time.

I'm hating lifeSo, what have I been up to? What could possibly delay my progress so? This time it's just pathetic -- I went and caught a serious flu a few days ago. Last night was the worst, I went to bed with a crazy fever ( I don't know how much, since I don't have a thermometer), wearing sweats, a fleece sweatshirt, and a down vest over that, under several blankets. Shivering and sweating at the same time sucks. To the right you can see me fumbling with the Sudafed Cold and Sinus stuff.

So nothing exciting has been going on , but I hope to leave on Sunday, finally, and head, like I said in my last update, straight out to Chicago. Only now I might take a pit stop in Ann Arbor, Michigan, since a cousin is there. I'm a little pressed for time, though, since I have to be in Seattle to meet Marc and Andy on the 15th of July. 3 weeks is plenty of time to do the drive, too, but I wanted to see things on the way.

I'll try not to let the door hit me in the ass on the way out...

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written 6.18.99 2:45pm; uploaded 6.18.99 2:45pm