The First Delay

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 Avery sardonic in Old Saybrook Diner Man, am I stressed out. If all I'd be missing what with leaving a week after I'd originally planned was a week on vacation time, It'd be nothing. But I've got a wedding to be at in Toronto on the 6th, and that's 2 days from now. I'm beginning to worry. It's already a sure guarantee that I'll be driving all Saturday night.

Anyhow, basically, my car needs a little tweaking before she's ready to hit the road for 3 solid months, and I'm not done acquiring all the goodies which will allow me to upload from the road periodically. I have paperwork that needs to be filed (thank goodness my financial aid crap is already squared away), a project for work which I haven't had a chance to work on and really it'd be nice of me to finish it before I go, I need to get the online version of the Damned Be list working, tidy up my webiste, pack up the car, and get on the road. Really, I'm quite lucky to only be delayed by 5 days, especially considering I'm dealing with a newly rebuilt car that needs a little post-rebuild tuning. In fact, if I didn't have this wedding, I wouldn't be stressing at all... or did I mention that? *sigh*

 useless modem cell-cable port So, I guess I'll spare you all the disgusting saga of how I thought I could use the obviously designed for cell-phone connections port on my laptop with my cell-phone and had to disabuse myself of that notion (since no-one in the wireless communications business knows their ass from their elbow, goddamnit) after hours of research. Toshiba (the makers of my laptop) sure as hell had no clue. Basically it was ugly, time consuming, frustrating, but at least it's now resolved (although I will need to have my brother FedEx the cables I ordered to a FedEx office somewhere in Ontario, where I'll be next week) Turns out there has actually never been a cable which supports that modem.

The upshot of all of this is that I'm posting this update now, to keep you all interested, since I won't be able to update on the road till at least the 10th. Put it in your calendar, friends!

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written 6.4.99 9:08pm, uploaded 6.6.99 10:12pm