3. Charles

He also knew that the toilet, that toilet, was far more than a mere toilet (or, as some might have it, an inferior bidet). And he knew that Darcy was not gone. For he too had fallen into that open toilet and..

...time stretched like taffy elongating endlessly, long attenuated strands stretching, stretching, separating, losing touch with each other, vibrating like tuning forks, each strand breaking into strands and stretching ... and he was there dancing like a star in the spaces in between...

in many ways it reminded him of that Marilyn Manson Concert he'd taken too much acid at.

The toilet was a rip in time and space ..

When he woke up he was on an entirely different planet.. but the internal emptiness persisted .. and he knew he must bring Darcy back. He spent several days figuring out where he was, and who he was on his new planet. His name, strangely (but conveniently for the narrator) was "He", he was an astronomer and he was on planet Ken. He sat at his telescope, idly scratched between his legs, felt a certain lack of anatomical correctness and cursed the day he had landed on planet Ken. Sure, it was the sister (brother?) planet of planet Barbie, but the cost of landing on it had been high.

Apparently the process of transmutation to planet Ken had taken him through the dread 'Faret' zone, which completely emasculated He -- a circumcision taken far to far. Still, he could see planet Barbie, through it's pink chiffon atmosphere and he knew that Darcy was there.

"He" was a man with a mission, two really. He had to find Darcy. He had to regain his masculinity. He had to return to Earth.

OK, three missions..

He wondered how Darcy was doing..

Darcy, bored, looked into her Egg...

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