CD 2007-CD5 Mortgage Trust as of 10/2009: MX DSCR 1.60- 1.70
All data provided by Intex
Id Name/ Type/ Bal GLA/Units LTV WAC
Address Subtype % Pool Occ. % DSCR Originator
100 Colony Commons I and II MX $4,615,000 29,979 65.0 5.770000 %
Past Due 2211 & 2251 FM 646, League City TX 77573 0.2% 83% 1.67x (UW) Artesia
Tenant % Expires
Susan G. Gaskill, MD, PA40.0304/08/17
Joeseph Szendi6.8211/30/10
Dr. Balbino Beltre6.5006/30/15