}Here in the states we're about to celebrate Thanksgiving. That joyous time of }year we remember back when a bunch of folks came here from England with no }recognizable farming skills to establish a new life for themselves and were }rescued from starving by helpful Native Americans (who are probably seriously }second-guessing that move) and since we're Americans we feel obligated to force }our holidays upon an unwilling world but at least the Canadians were smart about }it all and decided to hold the whole mess a month earlier when we were bloating }ourselves on Holloween candy anyway but I still have this mental image of kids }going door to door and getting giblets. } }Each year, we flock to overcrowded airports, train-stations, highways where }tempers raise well past critical so that we can gather with friends and/or loved }ones or loved friends (if you get into that sort of thing) but mostly some of us }sit around watching athletic competitions where men reach between the legs of }other men and then are pummeled over a leather balloon, and get stinking drunk }off of cheap beer while elder family members take this welcome time to bring up }historical tidbits of the family, like describing to blushing Betzi's fiancée }the time Betzi showed off her poopies to the neighbors. } }Carefully we craft heaping portions of Mashed Potatoes, Candied Yams, Creamed }Onions, Baked Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Loaves, Steamed Potatoes, Fruit, }Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Three kinds of Stuffing, The thing that Aunt Clara gave }us but we don't know what it is, More @#$@% Potatoes, wild rice with almonds, }and the traditional centerpiece, a hormone injected slab of farm animal roasted }to bare recognition, and served by a sobbing mother who swore that this year }would be different and that if Bill got off his fat ass and helped her in the }kitchen instead of just farting in front of TV with his brother and that's just }the kind of example we need to set for the children. } }We cover these delectable items with gravy (which is basically rendered fat and }flour) in hopes that whatever that blue-greenish stuff that was thrust on your }plate might be slightly more edible or at least unrecognizable or maybe it will }at least slide down faster and you really didn't want it but grandma has special }dietary needs and we don't want her to feel excluded, and it's good for you so }just hold your nose or whatever and chew it but try not to let it touch your }tongue but at least you can try to forget about it by shoveling in huge forkfuls }of mashed potatoes and crunchy turkey (is it really supposed to be that crunchy }no I think that may have been a bone, no it was just a toasted crouton) and }Betzi is crying again because her fiancée made comment about how that lump in }the gravy sitting on top of her potatoes probably brings back memories of her }childhood and now cousing Billy just sprayed all of his milk from his nose all }over Grandma's strained spinach and kelp dish which seems to be taking on a life }of it's own and Bill starts laughing so hard that he passes gas and we all run }from the table. } }The after the dinner is done and the dogs finish clearing the table for us }because little Billy saw it on Little Rascals and thought it was funny then but }it would be funnier now and everyone else is too boated to think about chasing }after the damn dogs so let them finish the frigging turkey because nobody really }wants to be eating leftovers until Christmas and I swear if someone suggest }Turkey Tetrazzini again I am going to force it down their throats with a plunger }and speaking of plungers did Grandma die in the bathroom, c'mon we all have to }go and why couldn't we have had dinner at Uncle Tom's where he's got three full }bathrooms instead of here where we've only got two and the one downstairs }doesn't even have a door on it and when your sitting on it you can wave to the }neighbors. } }Then we all pile into our respective vehicles and struggle to remain conscious }or sober or whatever as we hurtle along the highways with all the windows down }and the stereo blasting just so we can stay awake and the kids are complaining }that the sleet is hurting their faces and you yell that "in your day, we use to }catch sleet on our tongues" and your wife corrects you that it was snow but you }just flash her an evil eye which you really regret because your sex privileges }evaporate as fast as the traffic is not moving and although the thought of }seeing her or yourself naked makes you even more nauseous you know full well }that your not going to get lucky until well past New Years and the kids are }crying again, or maybe it's just the ice freezing on their faces but why the }hell didn't you go before you left the house because now you're stuck on the }freeway and you've got to go more than ever.