minated the earthly career, in putting an end to the suffering venturing afflicted; sorrowful consequences which inseparably has condemned the one be so considerately intrusted with his corporal repair, to become of his disaster passive spectator, instead of a desirous benefactor: predetermined in the witness which initially and peremptorily was to sustain the view of such sinister catastrophe, the inexorable po . t . . ces manifested to only have afforded to their destined victim enough of vital faculty, for reaching the spot whereupon the minutes residue of the last hour was to be exhausted, and for implacably having after the fatal final thread cut off; To memorize such a dismal event, the concern it has caused to the unaccustomed beholder, may this cold stone, relating the particulars, be of a consolatory nature, for the surviving consort and relatives of the deceased, and help them to be in their privation resigned to the unalterable Supreme Will, and with fortitude submit to the execution of its irrevocable decree.”