of which can be found almost instantly, and the place of burial shown at once; a matter of the greatest convenience, when we remember that up to December 31st, 1868, there had been 136,984 interments in Greenwood.

The amount of labor performed in the cemetery, in bringing it to its present beautiful state, has been immense. The clearing up, and subsequent grading of the grounds ; the construction of roads and paths, the labor on ponds and water works, excavations for tombs, and the digging of graves, the culture, manuring and sodding of large tracts, the frequent mowing and raking of more than three hundred acres of grass, and the constant care and toil requited to keep so large a domain in complete order and repair, forms an aggregate of labor, which has cost from the beginning, $1,611,601.58, but from this must be deducted $543,014.33 which came back to the treasury for work done for lot owners and for the opening of graves and vaults, etc., making the net cost of labor, $1,068,587.25, as the entire cost for grading, improving and care of the cemetery to the close of the year 1868.

With commendable forethought, the originators of Greenwood commenced the accumulation, in 1851, of a reserved fund, the annual income of which should be sacredly and permanently devoted to the preservation and perpetual repair of the grounds. The present prospects of the cemetery amply justify the expectation that this fund, which on December 31st, 1868, amounted to $492,817.30, will steadily increase, until its annual yield shall be sufficient to keep Greenwood, and all its lots, in complete repair and unchanging beauty, although its other sources of income should be much diminished or wholly cut off.

Its natural beauties we have already alluded to; its numerous, tasteful, and splendid monuments, its wealth of memorial marble and exquisite sculpture, cannot be described within the scope of this volume.

Thus briefly have we endeavored to trace the history of this noble enterprise whose name and whose fame is so intimately associated with that of Brooklyn. The idea of this cemetery originated with men who are still in its board of trustees. To their wise, able and liberal-minded supervision, the cemetery owes no small portion of its unexampled growth and success. Amid indifference and discouragement, by private advances of money and credit, by untiring personal exertions, with diligence, and devotion, skill and efficiency, with unremitting care and nursing, they have watched over its gradual but harmonious development, and, “their works do praise them.”


This cemetery was organized under the law passed by the state legislature on the 27th of April, 1847. One hundred and twenty-five acres of land, located

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