Clay's Kitchen : Sauce and Stock Recipes

Sauce and Stock Recipes

© Copyright 1995-2023, Clay Irving <>, Manhattan Beach, CA USA

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Velouté Sauce [ A Mother Sauce ]

See: Mother Sauce

A velouté sauce, along with Béchamel, Espagnole, Hollandaise, and tomato, is one of the classic 5 mother sauces of French cuisine. It is often served on poultry or seafood dishes.

In preparing a velouté sauce, a light stock (one in which the bones used have not been roasted), such as chicken, veal or fish stock, is thickened with a blond roux. Thus the ingredients of a velouté are butter and flour to form the roux, a light chicken, veal, or fish stock, salt and pepper for seasoning. Commonly the sauce produced will be referred to by the type of stock used e.g. chicken velouté.

2 cups of chicken stock, fish stock, or veal stock
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons butter
salt and pepper

In a medium sized saucepan melt the butter. Remove the pan from the stove and quickly stir in the flour. Return the pan to the heat and cook the paste mixture, stirring frequently until it turns pale and straw-like in colour. This should take several minutes. Take the pan off the heat again and whisk or stir in half of the stock. Make sure that the paste has dissolved and a liquid has formed without any lumps.

Return the pan to the heat and stir in the remaining stock. Bring the liquid to a gentle simmer. Reduce the heat but continue to simmer the sauce for about 25 minutes, stirring from time to time and skimming off any skin that forms on the top. Once the sauce has reached the desired consistency, season with salt and pepper and strain the sauce through a sieve.

Serve warm with your prepared dish.

Other sauces derived from velouté

Allemande sauceAdd lemon juice, egg yolks, and cream to a veal velouté
Aurora, Aurore sauceAdd tomato purée to a chicken velouté
Bercy sauceAdd shallots and white wine to a fish velouté
Bretonne sauceAdd Dijon mustard and chopped parsley or a mixture of chervil, chives, tarragon and fennel
Caper SauceAdd drained capers to veal velouté
Cardinal sauceAdd lobster butter to fish velouté
Hungarian sauceAdd onion, paprika, white wine
Ivory, Ivoire, or Albufera sauceAdd glace de viande to a chicken velouté
Nantua sauceAdd crayfish butter, brandy and cream to a fish velouté
Normandy sauceAdd mushroom cooking liquid and oyster liquid/fish fumet added to fish velouté, finished with a liaison of egg yolks and cream
Poulette sauceAdd mushrooms and finish with chopped parsley and lemon juice to a veal velouté
Sauce Vin BlancAdd reduced white wine and cream to a fish velouté
Soubise Sauce, Onion SauceAdd boiled pureed onions and Parmesan cheese
Suprême sauceAdd mushrooms and cream to a chicken velouté
Venetian sauceAdd tarragon, shallots, chervil

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