© Copyright 1995-2023, Clay Irving <clay@panix.com>, Manhattan Beach, CA USA
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Recipe from: ImportFood.com
8 pieces of bread
¾ pound shrimp
¼ pound ground pork
1 egg
1 teaspoon cilantro
2 cloves garlic
⅛ teaspoon Thai pepper powder
2 teaspoons thin soy sauce
¼ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons white sesame seeds
vegetable oil
Let bread sit overnight to dry. Clean shrimp. Mix shrimp and pork together. In another bowl mix finely chopped cilantro with finely chopped garlic and salt and pepper powder. Combine shrimp and pork mixture with cilantro mixture. Add beaten egg and thin soy sauce. Mix well. Divide the mixture to be 8 parts. Spread on the bread smoothly. Sprinkle with white sesame seeds. Heat oil in wok and wait until it is very hot (just before smoking). Place bread in hot oil face down and wait until golden color. Remove from wok and place it on paper to remove excess oil. Serve with cold fresh cucumber slices.