- AllStyles
This utility called by the Action button will help you readily and conveniently utilize all standard and potential capabilities of Newton Styles. It will allow you to use 16 possible typefaces and 10 font sizes and their combinations. It will make the appearance of your faxes and documents prepared on Newton more attractive and perfect.
- Font Pack
Font Pack adds twelve new fonts to your Newton (Avant, Boston, Courier, Funky, Garamond, Helvetica, Jagged, Machine, Round About, Schoolbook, Times, and Type Writer), and enhances the styles palette, adding more sizes and styles. In addition, you can choose a size between 6 and 72 point, and add new styles, including Outline, Superscript, Subscript, and Italic.
- Minico for Newton OS 2.x
A custom designed monospaced font that provides up to 80x24 character display on MP120/130 screens.
-- Freeware
- Newton Casual font in TrueType format
Nu Casual is a TrueType font based on the Newton Casual bitmap font that you can use on your Mac and printer. Also available is a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme that tries to duplicate the "look and feel" of Apple Computer's Newton OS.
-- Shareware
- Styles+
The only real replacement for Apple's built-in style palette. You will never be limited by just the Bold and Underline styles, nor 9-18 point font sizes! Mix and match between Bold, Italic, Outline, Underline, Superscript, and Subscript! Text can have any combination of these styles, none or all! Go from 9 point all the way to 72 point!
- ToDo Font
Patches the 2.0 To Do List to show more tasks in a smaller font.Note: The patch doesn't uninstall itself if you remove the package; you'll have to restart your Newton PDA to return to the built-in font setting.
- TypeSet
The TypeSet is a component of the writeStuff set of Utilities which transforms your newton into a pocket publisher by providing nine professional-quality typefaces. Each font is optionally installable and prints in high resolution to any compatable Laserwriter. Includes: Avant Garde, Bookman, Courier, New Century SchoolBook, Helvetica, Palatino, Symbol, Chancery and Dingbats.
-- Commercial (download not available)
- VideoGameFont
VideoGameFont for Newton includes 7 fonts made to imitate NAMCO, KONAMI, VEVIOUS, GROBDA, THEXDER, wipeout, ALTWARS. Original Fonts are Macintosh Fonts built by Akira Takeuchi.
-- Freeware
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