Newton user groups
- Austin Newton Users Group
The austin Newton User Group provides an exciting way to explore this new technology for the novice and expert Newton user. Whether you are just considering buying a Newton or developing applications for it, aNUG allows Newton enthusiasts of all levels of experience to discuss current developments, exchange ideas, and gain a better understanding of this fascinating technology.
- Danish Newton User Group
The first and only Newton usergroup in Denmark. Please keep us updated on events and news.
- Denver Area Newton Group (DANG!)
Meetings are held at the Ross University Hills Branch Library, located at 4310 E. Amherst Avenue in Denver.
- GFUN : Groupement Francophone des Utilisateurs de Newton
This site is a Newton User Group dedicated to all people speaking French all over the world. The site is in French only.
- GNUT - Group of Newton Users in Toronto
They meet at the Vogue Bistro (Adelade and Jarvis Streets) in Toronto, right beside The Newton Store.
- Hong Kong Newton Users Group
- INUG - The Italian Newton User Group
Questa èla home page dell'INUG, un Newton User Group italiano. L'obbiettivo del gruppo, completamente gratuito, èquello di aiutare la comunitàNewton italiana a crescere e di evangelizzare le tecnologie Newton qui in Italia.
- Los Angeles Newton User Group
- Michigan State Newton Users Group (MSNUG)
- MPadClub
Cette page est en cours de construction mais nous avons souhaîté mettre rapidement en place cette première ébauche pour permettre à tout un chacun de découvrir le premier groupe français d'utilisateurs Newton.
- NENUG Home Page
North of England Newton User Group. Regular(ish) meetings in and around Yorkshire. Contact David for more details or visit our home page. Strange folk these northerners ....
- NewtChamp - Vermont's first Newton PDA user group
Their goals are:- Show off the new MessagePad 2000 - the Newton that glows in the dark 8-)
- To seek and convert normal people into Newton PDA users
- To answer questions for people who are contemplating if a Newton is right for them
- Help current Newton users with problems
- Newton User Group of Manitoba
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at "Zines Info Cafe". 'Zines is located 1 block off route 70 on Corydon.
- Newton User Groups v1.2.2
From Steve Holden
- NGN - Newton Gebruikersgroep Nederland
NGN is opgericht om Newtongebruikers in Nederland met elkaar in contact te brengen.
- OaNUG - Ottawa area Newton User Group
OaNUG meets on the last Wednesday of each month at the Rochester Eatery and Pub at 502 Rochester St, Ottawa, starting at 6:00 pm.
- OzNUG - Australian Newton Users Group
OzNUG is an Australian non-profit organisation of people who have an interest in Newton technology in whatever form it is available.
- San Diego Newton User Group
The San Diego Newton User Group meets on the third Thursday of each month at Brooktree Corporation. The meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.
- Singapore Newton Users Group
The Singapore Newton Users Group is now online. Come visit our site for the latest reviews, special offers, tips and tricks, FAQs, links, Q&A pages, and lots of more. If you have any plans to come on down to Singapore, do drop by our site :)
- Stanford Newton User's Group
The Stanford Newton User's Group now meets at 7pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.
- Tennessee Valley Newton User Group
TVNUG is based in Huntsville AL, but members are welcome from all over the North Alabama/Southern Tennessee area. We are working to create a free ftp-site to the Newton user community through a cooperative effort with the Newton Systems group at Apple and the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Our web page development is on hold temporarily, as preparing the ftp-site is the first priority. Check it out! We meet for lunch (11:30am at Home Town Buffet on University Dr., Huntsville) on the 3rd-Friday of each month, as well as the 1st-Tuesday evenings each month at the Barnes & Noble coffeeshop (7:00pm, also on Univ. Dr. in Huntsville).
- The North Atlanta Newton Users Group
Founded in October of 1993, NANUG was created with these ideas in mind:- To provide timely and correct information about the Newton and all of its accessories, software packages, and other Newton-related products
- To assist new and experienced Newton users in getting the most out of their purchase
- To provide (hopefully) an un-biased forum for the exchange of user tips, hints, and suggestions
- To provide free or low-cost resources for small to medium Newton development projects
- TUNA - Teachers Using Newton Alliance
A forum for teachers at all levels to share ideas for integrating the Newton into the practice of teaching. You can share your curriculum ideas, stories, Newton resources, grant information, etc.
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