- Act! Logo Installer
Letterhead Logo Installer installs a logo that will be used as letterhead when printing letters from Act! for Newton. Once a logo has been installed, an additional checkbox is added to Act!'s letter editor.
- Clean Notes
Notepad stationary without lines.
- FormIt for Newton OS 2.0
Create customized Newton 2.x OS stationery for the built-in Notes (and NewtonWorks on the eMate 300) applications without any programming. Create your own personal Newton stationery by drawing your data fields using a MacDraw like interface on your Macintosh (A Windows-version available soon), edit data field names as appropriate (and various other caption text), then download it to your Newton!
- Graph Paper
Graph Paper adds a piece of stationery to the built in NotePad, allowing you to create notes on graph paper, as well as the three built in types
- NotePadConverter
NotePad Converter (NPC) allows the user to convert any of the three basic notes to any of the other types, or to copy an entire note from one type to another. NPC also supports conversion of Graph Paper or Stationery Pack stationery to any other type of note if Graph Paper is installed on your Newton.
- NotepadXtensions
A collection of 8 extensions (stationery) for your notepad. One of the extensions, Voice Mail, features "call back" alarm. This alarm will remind you to call a person at a pre-set time. You can also add the call to your Todo list and the Calls app as well as add the person to your Names app.
- Paper Pak
intelligent stationery for Newton 2.0. Paper Pak extends the Newton Notes feature of Newton 2.0 to include seven new pieces of intelligent stationery.
- Partial Recall
Another stationary for Note application. With Partial Recall, you can easily integrate information spread everywhere in Note application. You can quickly find information by a single gesture on a keyword, and import the result into the current note.
-- Freeware
- Personal Stationery
A simple add-on to the Newton's Notepad that lets you add a more personal touch to all of your notes. Custom logos are available to replace the ugly little newt.
-- Freeware
- PhoneMemo 2.1
NotePad Stationery for Newton 2.0 systems. Phone Memo helps you manage your phone calls. It adds an additional item in the "New" menu in the NotePad that creates notes especially setup to handle phone calls.
- powerNotes
With powerNotes you can create your own personal style of note for the Notepad and change it until it looks just the way you like.
- Stationery Contruction Kit
Stationery Construction Kit lets you build stationery right on your Newton. This stationery will show up as a choice when you create new notes, and supports beaming, mailing, faxing, and printing.
-- Shareware
- Stationery Pack
A collection of seven pieces of NotePad stationery. The Newton comes with three stationery items for the NotePad, Note, Checklist, and Outline. Stationery Pack adds Blank Note, Graph Paper, Location Note, Phone Message, Prioritized Note, Shopping List, and Time Card. Once installed, these will appear in the "New" menu in the NotePad. Also included in Stationery Pack is NotePad Converter, which places a button at the base of the NotePad which allows you to convert a particular type of Stationery into another type.
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