A Love of Monsters: Gargoyles and Architectural Details in NYC
They crouch in the corners and lurk under windows. They curl around drainpipes and blend into doorways. They're so clever at hiding most folks won't see them at all. This site presents the gargoyles of New York City by monster, or ny neighborhood.
Arch-Online NY Arch-Online NY serves and promotes architectural and design professionals primarily in the northeast region of the United States. We provide valuable resource materials online including information concerning New York metropolitan area organizations and their events. Arch-Online NY will serve as the index to professional organizations, companies, related services and resources in the New York area.
Architecture Design Publishing
Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY -- Publisher of books on architecture, interior design, graphic design, lansdcape architecture, and urban design.
Grid/3 International
A New York-based retail design firm with international experience. Their partners not only speak English, Spanish, Tagalog and Portuguese, but also understand many cultures.
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC
Architecture and Planning Consultants who work all over the world and consistently produce contextually sensitive, award winning designs.
Leviathan/Architecture by Sung
A small collection of images from a second year graduate student pursuing an M.Arch degree at Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture.
New York Skyscrapers - One Hundred Years of High-rises
A study of these New York City's most striking architectural entities. History and info of over 100 high-rises, complete with images and location maps. Also additional info on the subject as well as links on related sources.
The City Bank Farmers Trust Building
The City Bank Farmers Trust Building, located at Twenty Exchange Place in lower Manhattan's financial district, is a building that lives up to the "great building standard" set forth by Ayn Rand's architecture critic extraordinaire, Ellsworth Toohey. Such a building, the overly-eloquent Mr. Toohey maintains, "... is not the private invention of some genius or other. It is merely a condensation of the spirit of a people."
The City Review
A periodical for New Yorkers concerned about their city and the arts with heavy emphasis on architecture, planning, zoning, real estate as well as books and consumer technology.
The New York Society of Architects
The New York Society of Architects, established in 1906, is an organization comprised of licensed architects and other affiliated construction professionals who are intricately involved in the design and construction world of New York City.