Security Firewall Technology

Screening External Access Link (S.E.A.L.) Consulting Service

Limits TCP/IP traffic to authorized connections. The S.E.A.L. gatekeeper controls traffic in and out of your private network. You program the gatekeeper by setting simple rules that specify:


Control the Appetite for Internet
The attraction of Internet resources can lure employees into making unauthorized and risky Internet connections. By providing dependable Internet access through S.E.A.L., users can enjoy their favorite Internet services without increasing your exposure.
Detection They Can't Escape
S.E.A.L.'s audit alarms alert you to someone probing for an opening in your network. The detailed record of TCP/IP activities provides the evidence you need to uncover and reconstruct network security incidents. To prevent an intruder from tampering with evidence, the S.E.A.L. keeps its audit log on a separate system that's inaccessible from the network.
A Custom Fit
The S.E.A.L. consulting service includes state-of-the-art S.E.A.L. software and the services of a highly-qualified security consultant. Your Digital consultant tailors S.E.A.L. to enforce yoru network security policy and trains your staff in all facets of S.E.A.L.'s operation.


TEL 1 800 832 6277


Not stated.
Last Updated 6/1/94.

Comments, suggestions, complaints can be addressed to: WCB.

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