Safety of People Walking Ignored in "Route 9 Streetscape" Project by NYSDOT / Sleepy Hollow / Tarrytown

Flag persons are needed at the north and south ends of the work zone, but none are provided. People walking through the are are left to fend for themselves.

This is basic "maintenance and protection of traffic" planning. It should have been (and perhaps is) specified in the scope of work and contract.

5/25/16: Between Chestnut St and Depeyster St

(North end of the project)

Facing North

Facing South

Facing West

5/25/16: At College St

(South end of the project)

Facing South

Facing Northwest. Notice: cones, don't extend far enough south to provide refuge.

Facing East. When I crossed here a person driving yelled at me to "cross at a crosswalk."