Club's KoL Greasemonkey Scripts

compactmodelinks (source) - Compact Mode with Many More Links
This adds a bunch of extra Function and Go To links to the compact mode. top menu frame. Things like links to individual crafting pages and various sub-areas of the map (Town Wrong Side, Town Right Side, Hobo Town Square, The Sea Floor). All links are conditional based on finding a parent link, some of which are always there ("Crafting"), others of which are not ("The Sea"). Original: April 2009; Update Sep 2013

screenshot of compact links GM script
compact links screen shot

inventorylinks (source) - Extra Inventory Links
Naively adds [multiuse], [star chart], and [roll sushi] after [sell stuff] on inventory pages. Original: April 2009; Update March 2011

showdwarfrunes (source) - Show title text of Dwarven runes
Appends "(word N)" or "(# N)" text to Dwarven rune images. Summarizes results each of round in the dice game. (This does not solve the puzzle, but makes it easier to collect the information to solve the puzzle.) April 2009

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