- Palm custom fields iSync/Mark/Space problem:
- Synced Calendar. Treo crashed after first sync, and most events were missing. Second seemed to have the right number; dupes seemed to be on iPod as well, which suggests they happened earlier. Search is intentionally broken: (In my case Spotlight was somehow disabled for my main volume, perhaps by the Tiger–Snow Leopard upgrade).
Dec 30 13:24:52 Satrazon mds[38]: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
Dec 30 13:24:52 Satrazon mds[38]: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputerIndexed"
Dec 30 13:24:52 Satrazon mds[38]: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
Dec 30 13:24:52: --- last message repeated 3 times ---
Dec 30 13:24:52 Satrazon[715] ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
- A quick manual look at this week and some ancient history (Newton launch, 8/93) looked good.
- The iCal/Export/iCal Archive file is huge, so not a good comparison with the Dimex export. Exporting just Unfiled produced something more relevant. (I’ve only been using PalmOne categories in Calendar for a couple years.)
- Very funny, Mr Linke (Dimex):
DESCRIPTION:Creation of World 9am 21 Oct 4004 BC \, James Usher
- 18,746 occurrences of "\nSUMMARY:" in Dimex export; 16,351 in iCal Unfiled
- Order is completely different; perhaps repeating first in iCal (plus linebreaks), late in Dimex, e.g.:
- iCal #459:
SUMMARY:Battra\, Ben Davis 9.1
DESCRIPTION:Battra Systems & Software Mtg 3/15\, 2:00 pm\, Benjamin Davi
s 9.1\, \n Call-in 65100\, id 159159
- Dimex #169,089:
SUMMARY:Battra\, Ben Davis 9.1
DESCRIPTION:Battra Systems & Software Mtg 3/15\, 2:00 pm\, Benjamin Davis 9.1\, \n Call-in 65100\, id 159159
- Dimex 21,659:
SUMMARY:Interior Plateau
DESCRIPTION:Hanceville [Great Yukon Gold Rush Cattle Drive]\, Alexis Creek \n\n[not Bella Colla]
- iCal 39,367:
SUMMARY:Interior Plateau
DESCRIPTION:Hanceville [Great Yukon Gold Rush Cattle Drive]\, Alexis Cre
ek \n\n[not Bella Colla]
- Diffing the result of the following in BBEdit looked good, with most significant differences being truncations (hopefully from innocuous newlines) in iCal:
506 grep SUMMARY: /Users/flash/Documents/PalmDesk/Exports_home_2008+/2009-12-29_pre-MissingSync/Dates_2009-12-29.ics > SUMMARY_Dimex.txt
515 grep --no-filename SUMMARY: *.ics >| SUMMARY_iCal.txt
517 sort SUMMARY_iCal.txt > SUMMARY_iCal_sorted.txt
518 sort SUMMARY_Dimex.txt > SUMMARY_Dimex_sorted.txt
- Some ASCII issues (s/b Höhners):
SUMMARY:{Hhners  Nassau Hall 6:15} (Dimex)
SUMMARY:{Hšhners  Nassau Hall 6:15} (iCal)
- Eyeballing Dec 7th 1993 & 2002 on the desktops looked OK. Learned that I met my best man and my wife on the same date nine years apart. Eyeballing next few weeks also looked good, though an old SiPug meeting lingered in iCal.
- iPhone Backup file location - MacNN Forums: Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup
- iCal didn't find Snug2 typed, but did pasted. Didn't find Olga, except for Zandr; did find "Olga, french hotel cafe"
- iCal performance can be quite slow on my Mac, especially when switching dates in week view. Opening Calendar on the iPod takes about five seconds.
- Search on the iPhone is also unintentionally broken; both global and Calendar searches for “mindego” find nothing, but iCal and Spotlight on the desktop find two hikes. Not fixed in 3.2 or 4.0; Apple bug 7698727
iPhone calendar alarm absolutely pathetic. Any way to change it? (No) -
- Change Calendar alert sounds on jailbroken iPhones
To Do
- 8687, 287 undone To Dos via Missing Sync. Too many for 2Do maybe, so trimming to undone. Cutting undone tasks in Mail got a nearly-everlasting spinning beachball of death.
- Review: Basic to-do apps for iPhone and iPod touch Review | Software | Macworld: there are currently no to-do-list apps that can sync with your existing to-do lists in iCal or Mail. [But see 2Do.]
- if your phone ever has a problem that requires you to restore it, and iTunes is unable to restore your data from its backup—something that’s happened to me numerous times—that data is gone for good.
- 2Do:
justanotheriphoneblog: 2do-a-stunning-todo-list-with-push-sync-for-iphone. Syncs to iCal; Mail’s smart mailbox almost makes this tolerable. But syncing is decidedly flakey and/or interminable.
- ~/Library/Logs/ToDoSyncHelper
- Authentication Cancelled: Request was cancelled by Remote User
Addresses (continued)
- Mac 4,422, Treo->4,202Mac
517 egrep '^N:' Contacts_2009-12-29.vcf > N_Contacts_2009-12-29.txt
518 egrep '^N:' All_Mac_vCards_post-Treo.vcf > N_All_Mac_vCards_post-Treo.txt
519 wc N_*
522 LC_ALL='C' sort N_Contacts_2009-12-29.txt >| N_Contacts_2009-12-29_sort.txt
523 sort N_All_Mac_vCards_post-Treo.txt > N_All_Mac_vCards_post-Treo_sort.txt
bbedit *_sort*
N.b., if you redo the sorting within BBEdit after editing, you need to redo both files, if you sort case-insensitive.
Stripped trailing multiple semicolons, should also have stripped single. Converted \, to ,.
2994 lines in Palm, 3006 in Mac.
Lots of non-ASCII small diffs
Only in Mac:
N:Collins \n;Dave
N:Com v Cit /\nFN\:Com v Cit /\nEND\:VCARD
Dupe only in Mac:
- Eyeballed my card, and my oldest friend’s, side by side in Palm Desktop and my iPod. Looked reasonable except for the missing custom fields. Better would have been to have saved a record on the Treo with every field populated with its name.
- MobileMe has informed me for the second day running that its version of my contacts are irretrievably corrupt and need to be replaced. Contemplating a CVS archive, on my local machine. Address (and iCal) backups don't look suitable—they're package folders, with unfriendly contents; investigating vCard export of select-all'd. Looks like you can't do an export to ics of everything, just of each calendar. No, even diffs over a couple days of all.vcf has lots of unimportant differences, presumably from different ordering.
- Soho Organizer does show my Palm custom fields, after I checked it in the preferences. But renaming Custom 4 to Spouse on my card had no effect on Olga’s.
- SyncFailure in Contacts with large Notes, reported on Apple Support Forum. Reboot helped, but viewing entry on device crashed app twice, so I deleted the large note.
Jan 23 12:53:05 Satrazon Address Book[4122]: kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceGetGeometry: Invalid device window
Jan 23 12:53:05 Satrazon Address Book[4122]: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
Jan 23 12:53:05 Satrazon [0x0-0x11d11d][4122]: Sat Jan 23 12:53:05 Satrazon.local Address Book[4122] : kCGErrorCannotComplete: CGSDeviceGetGeometry: Invalid device window
Jan 23 16:49:33 Satrazon[838]: 2010-01-23 16:49:33.035 iCalExternalSync[846:903] [ICalExternalSync ]Insert of record with id C375F738-3EC7-45D7-8D8D-8383B5ED3392 of type (null) failed to create an NSManagedObject apparently. Refusing record.
Jan 23 16:49:33 Satrazon iCalExternalSync[846]: [ICalExternalSync ]Insert of record with id C375F738-3EC7-45D7-8D8D-8383B5ED3392 of type (null) failed to create an NSManagedObject apparently. Refusing record.
- Must use built-in Notes, with sync to Mail: AwesomeNote & SimpleNote don’t show up in Spotlight search. (AwesomeNote’s sync to Evernote didn't seem to work. SimpleNote’s small unchangeable Helvetica is also a deal-breaker.) Georgia 18 seems a good default font; unreadably small text on the device is a real problem.
- Notes syncing was broken; rebooting my Mac fixed it:
- Apple - Support - Discussions - Notes sync in 3.0 on Mac -- Not
- Later: Sometimes only recently-edited notes on get synced, but sometimes even that didn't work. Rebooting the Mac again seemed to help.
- Pasting a note (rather than its text) from Windows Palm Desktop gives an uneditable Note.
- /Notes.imapmbox/Messages/ or ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/Notes.mbox/Messages/.
- QIF export with filters has problems, which I’ve reported to Hardy (only a brief response so far). I got around them by involuntarily exporting everything, and hacking a new QIF file with the beginning and the end of the overly-large file. Exporting into one file per account created something VMware Quicken 2007 wouldn’t import into the right account, and which was missing some entries. Search-as-you-type can’t handle my data size. I also get intermittent PU400 errors; those at least should be fixed by yesterday’s 3.0.2 update.
- Hardy got back to me after three complaints and two weeks; the main problem is that the documentation, in addition to being inadequate (with a broken link to Wikipedia for one of the crucial points) is also wildly inaccurate.
MobileMe Woes
- See also iCal Sync and MobileMe Woes
- PithHelmet broken by Snow Leopard;’s noads proxy broke iSyncing. Problem partly solved by disabling proxy; the rest got better overnight. Then it came back again, after I enabled Notes and tried to sync again.
- Sync broken. Tips, not up to the job, reset sync data: “data on your Mac or PC, as it is likely causing the issue.…Consider removing some old events if you have a very large number of them.”
iPhone Configuration Utility log entries:
Mon Mar 8 07:48:22 unknown mc_mobile_tunnel[144] : received request 4: {type = immutable, count = 1, values = (\n\t0 : {contents = "RequestType"}\n)}, keys {type = mutable, count = 1, capacity = 12, pairs = (\n\t0 : {contents = "RequestType"} = {contents = "GetProfileList"}\n)}
Mon Mar 8 07:48:22 unknown mc_mobile_tunnel[144] : Not migrating manifest
Mon Mar 8 07:48:22 unknown mc_mobile_tunnel[144] : ...completed profile migration.
Mon Mar 8 07:48:22 unknown mc_mobile_tunnel[144] : receive_message: Could not receive size of message: 0 Operation not permitted
Mon Mar 8 07:48:27 unknown mc_mobile_tunnel[149] : keychain lookup returned error 0
Mon Mar 8 08:05:43 unknown[0x7ac2][169] : objc[169]: Class DADiagnosticsPSController is implemented in both /System/Library/PreferenceBundles/AccountSettings/ActiveSyncSettings.bundle/ActiveSyncSettings and /System/Library/PreferenceBundles/AccountSettings/LDAPSettings.bundle/LDAPSettings. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mon Mar 8 08:06:25 unknown MobileMail[57] : EAS|We've already retried this request through the data connection and we're still getting an error. This task is probably going to blow up on some invalid data
- In desperation, I erased my iPhone, set it up as a new device, and then did a restore. Didn’t make any difference. But see Restore Woes.
Restore Woes
- GoodReader is otherwise excellent, but they simply didn’t think about restoring. Not only is there no way to access password-protected folders after a restore (acceptable), your old password won’t work after the restore (tolerable) and there’s no way to set a new password. Their documentation doesn’t mention this, but I beat it out of their email support, which at least passed its Turing Test.
- Amazon has trouble with restore as well. I had to deregister my device on a non-handheld-friendly site. Some books still work, at least iPhone: The Missing Manual, but most need to be re-downloaded. There doesn’t seem to be any way to tell which you need: The device simply makes you go to the desktop website, which doesn’t show which ones are there and need to be re-sent.
- At least I don’t have to use TomTom. Tried it at Macworld, and it was even worse than the Palm version.
- Got a promise of a free demo version from Magellan for a SiPug demo. Asked their tech suport if it used my iPod Touch’s wifi AGPS; the first response failed its Turing test, but the second was affirmative. Didn't get the free demo, so I bought it myself. Tech support was wrong, which they now admit, but refuse to give a refund. They don't even try to do what Google Maps does very well. Also a nuisance on an iPhone when indoors. (Apple support gave me a refund.)
- Bought Navigon instead. It asked for permission to read my location on first launch on my iPod Touch, which suggested that it has a clue, but the initial display is for Birmingham. On the third hand, my “approximated position” is correct. On the fourth hand, Save Position doesn’t work.
AT&T Woes
- At a SiPug meeting on Roman Pixell’s unlocked Swedish iPhone, we discovered that my AT&T PayGo SIM was being deliberately blocked by AT&T for data, though not SMS. This puts a new perspective on AT&T’s complaints about bandwidth hogs on their unlimited plans. I would have been happy to pay for limited bandwidth; it works fine on my Treo, and Lunatic’s iPhone usage suggests I could have survived on my 100MB/$20 package.
- After three visits, AT&T officially informed me that the only reasonable way to transfer my existing AT&T PayGo number was to transfer it to T-Mobile first.
- Too many Google notifications in System Log: launchctl -w unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
488 sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/
489 sudo rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
490 locate
491 locate
492 sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/
493 sudo touch /Library/LaunchAgents/
494 sudo touch /Library/LaunchDaemons/
495 sudo touch /Library/LaunchDaemons/
496 sudo chmod 000 /Library/LaunchAgents/
497 sudo chmod 000 /Library/LaunchDaemons/
498 sudo chmod 000 /Library/LaunchDaemons/
- 12/24/09: Six Stanza crash logs which Apple wants to see, probably when I was looking for the Add Books option in Coupa Café.
- Got connection sharing working from my Mac to replace my Zyxel router. Building’s connexion slow.
- Backup (which needed a right-click on the device in iTunes) was suspiciously fast.
- Replaced Zyxel router with Time Capsule, which worked NAT'd briefly (with an amber-light warning about double-NATing), then had the same problem as the Zyxel. Reverted to bridging, which is a security problem.
Desktop MobileMe Woes
iCal Woes
- After MobileMe sync problems, I got hundreds of “Netscape/Palm Computing Mtg B010.1.Clark Gable” meetings alarming at 8:30 AM. (Originally from around 1999.) This is not one repeating meeting, it's a distinct meeting every day at 9 AM. Deleting four instances found via SpotLight and nuking the cache seemed to help, but after a reboot the zombies are back. Doing the same delete via Spotlight leaves the events there but unsearchable and hence in practice undeletable.
- Bogus password failures a couple of times, after initial authentication succeeded. Got better spontaneously.
- About duplicate contacts and calendars on iPhone 3.0 - Mac OS X Hints
- About Calendar subscriptions on your iPhone or iPod touch with iPhone OS 3.1 or later
- MobileMe: Syncing calendar subscriptions and CalDAV calendars
- Quicken Community - Quicken on iPhone completely misses the mark
iOS 4 Upgrade Woes & Verification Techniques
- Much later, upgrading to iOS 4.0.0: For verifying that Address Book hasn’t gotten borked, export all contacts to a vcard before and after, and diff in FileMerge.
iCal Upgrade Woes
- Lots of rounds of sync conflicts and lost end dates after upgrading my sacrificial iPod Touch 3 to iOS 4.0.0: Eventually nuked my cache per, which seemed to help. Later upgrade of iPhone went smoothly.
- For iCal, diff the icbu directories in FileMerge. Lots of diffs with only one line changed:
Some PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iCal 4.0.2//EN
Lots of To Do nastiness, iPhone To Do app?
Some double-diffs, e.g.