Here is information on the name "Nathaniel Cromwell."
"Nathaniel" is not a likely English name for the 15th century. Through the entire Middle Ages we were able find only one example in 660. The name didn't come into common use until the Reformation, when the Puritans started using Biblical names that aren't associated with saints.
"Nathanael" is mentioned in the Gospel of John, but not in the other gospels. From early times, the character was identified with the Apostle Bartholomew. "Bartholomew" is found in many cultures, but "Nathaniel" was, apparently, not used.
"Cromwell" is a common period name. The first instance we found was "Ralph de Cromwella" in 1177, and a later "Ralph Cromwell" is noted in 1454. One family with the name Cromwell became quite famous and were active in English politics throughout the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries.
If you would like assistance in finding a first name that was used in period, we would be happy to help you. If you're interested in getting examples of English names, the best source is "The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names," by EG Withycombe. Withycombe dates most of the names in her book, so you will usually be able to tell whether a name is period or not.
In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of St. Gabriel