ACADEMY OF SAINT GABRIEL REPORT 1006 ************************************ From: "S Friedemann" 23 Jun 1998 Greetings from the Academy of Saint Gabriel! You were looking for documentation for the Spanish feminine name , and indicated that it was the feminine version of , which in turn was the Spanish form of . Here is the information we have found. Before I start, I'd like to clarify the service that the Academy offers. We try to help Societyfolk in choosing and using names that fit the historical cultures they are trying to re-create. Our research can sometimes be used to support submissions to the College of Arms, but that it not our goal and our results are often incompatible with the College's needs. If your main goal is to register a particular name, then we may not be able to help you. There was a Saint Leandro, bishop of Cartagena, that lived in the 6th century. While it is possible that his name continued to be used in Spain, it does not show up in any of our later sources, and we could not find any evidence that it was femininized as in any of our Spanish sources. The closest Spanish name that we could find to was , in the 10th century. It is found as in earlier times, and also as the Portuguese form of the name, in the 14th century. [2] Either of these would be authentic choices for a Spanish or Portuguese lady in later period. We're sorry that we could not be more useful to you, and hope that you will not hesitate to write again if any part of this letter was unclear or if you have further questions. Arval Benicoeur, Juliana de Luna, and Talan Gwynek provided research and commentary on this letter. For the Academy, --Aryanhwy Prytydes merch Catmael June 23, 1998 ---------------------------------------------- References: [1] Elsbeth Anne Roth, _16th-century Spanish Women's Names_ (WWW: Self-published, 1998) URL: [2] Pedro de Alcazar, _Portuguese Names of the 14th Century_