Here is the information we found on the Greek name "Petrc Monomachos."
We don't have any sources which give specific information on Greek names, so we've had to rely on the examples of Greek names which we've discovered in the course of our research on other topics.
Since you're dealing with a Greek name, we treated "c" as a transliteration of the Greek letter "kappa." None of us has ever seen a Greek name ending in "kappa," and we have no reason to think that this would be a variant of "Petros." If you have information to the contrary, we'd be very interested to see it.
Lindorm Eriksson, Pedro de Alcazar, Arval D'Espas Nord, and Rouland Carre all contributed to this letter.
We hope this has been helpful. If you need further assistance, please let us know.
In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel