Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 186

Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 186

This report is available at

This is one of the Academy's earliest reports. We are not confident that these early reports are accurate. Please use it with caution.


Here's the information we were able to find on the name "Tamira Dragonfyr."

First, we're not aware of the name "Tamira," although we didn't do an extensive search for it. We were curious about your source for it, since it's a name we're not aware of.

Second, as you thought, the name "Dragonfyr" is not a medieval name. We can't do searches for names that sound like "Dragonfyr" since name books are generally written for a specific language or culture, and we can't do a search through every known language for a name.

When people come to us looking for gaming names, we point out that a medieval name is more central to medieval re-creation than medieval garb, since your name is connected with everything you do. It can be very rewarding to use name research to find out more about a historical period, and we encourage people to explore historical names instead of simply taking something from gaming. You're probably aware of all this, but it may be helpful to get some other ideas about how to talk to a client like this. There is other information on the Academy Web site, especially in the FAQs.

I've included an excerpt from our FAQ on finding a medieval name and arms:

These names had all the characteristics of medieval names.

If your name fits these criteria, you're well off.

We hope this has been helpful. If you need any other assistance, please feel free to contact us.

In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel