Here's the information we have on the name "Mandorallen."
The only source we have for this name is "The Belgariad," a fantasy series by David Eddings. Unfortunately, as far as we can tell Eddings made up the name. We have no examples of it, or anything remotely similar to it, from France or anywhere else during the Middle Ages.
However, since you're interested in a French name, we can make a number of suggestions. If you're looking for a name which would have been associated with a chivalric hero in period, you might consider using the name of a hero from French romances of the period. We have examples of people named "Lancelot," "Roland," and "Olivier" after knights from stories of this period, and you could consider using other names from this era. We don't have a list of French names for you, but a history of the period might give you other suggestions.
For a longer document which suggests ways to find a name and arms, consult the Web page
Arval D'Espas Nord, Angus Scrymgeour, Claricia Nyetgale, Zenobia Naphtali, and Tangwystl verch Morgant Glasvryn contributed to this letter.
We hope this has been helpful. If you need other assistance, please let us know.
In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel