ACADEMY OF SAINT GABRIEL REPORT 1895 ************************************ 24 Jan 2000 From: (Josh Mittleman) Greetings from the Academy of Saint Gabriel! You asked our help choosing a name appropriate for a late 11th century Cordoban woman, the daughter of a Berber and his Spanish concubine. You asked particularly about the given name and a byname meaning "the short" in Arabic, and you asked what sort of surnames Arabs used in your period. Here is what we have found. Based on our research, we believe that a woman living in Muslim culture in your period would have used an Arabic name, regardless of her religion or parentage. is a fine choice. It is a transliteration of an Arabic name that appears in medieval Andalusian records and in other period Arabic sources. We found an example of the name from Sevilla after 1009: [2, 3]. Women in your period were most often known either as their father's daughters or their son's mothers. Maryam, daughter of Hassan and mother of Rashid, could have been called or . However, we have found examples of women's names that included other types of bynames. For example, some women were known by the places where they lived: <'A'isha al-Andalusiyya> "'A'isha the Andalusian". You might be particularly interested in the byname "the Cordoban woman" [1]. We aren't sure whether a woman of your period would have used a byname like "the short", so we can't recommend that choice as the best re-creation. Lord Sion Andreas' translation is probably correct Arabic for your period, but may not be appropriate as a woman's name. We hope this letter has been useful. Please write us again if any part of it has been unclear or if you have other questions. I was assisted in researching and writing this letter by Juliana de Luna, Pedro de Alcazar, Amant le Marinier, and Talan Gwynek. For the Academy, Arval Benicoeur 24 Jan 2000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - References [1] Juliana de Luna, "Andalusian Names: Arabs in Spain", unpublished article based on Manuela Mari/n, _Estudios Onoma/stico-biogra/ficos de al-Andalus_, 8 volumes (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti/ficas, Instituto de Filologi/a, Departmento de Estudios Arabes, 1988-1997). [2] Da'ud ibn Auda, "A List of Arabic Women's Names" (WWW: Academy of Saint Gabriel, 1996). [3] Avila, Maria Luisa, "Las mujeres "sabis" en al-Andalus," in _La Mujer en al-Andalus: Reflejos histo/ricos de su actividad y categori/as sociales_ (ed. Maria Viguera), Ediciones de la Universidad Auto/noma de Madrid, Madrid, 1985.