ACADEMY OF SAINT GABRIEL REPORT 2062 ************************************ From: "Sara L Friedemann" 4 May 2000 Greetings from the Academy of Saint Gabriel! You wanted to know how the Old Norse name would have been spelled in runes. Here is a brief letter with the information we have found. The previous report that we sent you is available on line at We can't represent runes in this letter, so instead we've used a letter to represent each rune. Note that this encoding of the runic spelling would never have been used in period: Your name would have been written in runes. You can find an illustration of the futhark, or runic alphabet, on the web: Any of the 16-rune futharks would be appropriate for your persona. The given name would most likely have been spelled in runes. [1] Runic writing doesn't make a distinction between capital and small letters; here we've used the capital represents the R-rune, which represents a slightly different sound than the r-rune. It is also reasonable for the second vowel to be spelled with an e-rune (which is the dotted i-rune); we found examples of the name spelled both and in regular texts. In our source for runic spellings, we were unable to find "fox"; however, we did find the given name , which was spelled in runes. [1,2,3] The name was originally derived from the word , and therefore we believe that the runic spelling of the name is also appropriate for the word. In conclusion, the Norse name would most likely have been spelled . We hope that this brief letter has been useful to you, and that you will not hesitate to write again if any part was unclear or if you have further questions. Research and commentary on this letter was provided by Talan Gwynek, Lindorm Eriksson, Hartmann Rogge, and Arval Benicoeur. For the Academy, ~Aryanhwy merch Catmael --------------------------------------- References: [1] Uppsala University Department for Scandinavian Languages, "Samnordisk tuntextdatabas" (WWW: Uppsala universitet, 29 Oct 1997) [URL:] [2] Lind, E.H., _Norsk-Isla:ndska Dopnamn ock Fingerade Namn fra*n Medeltiden_ (Uppsala & Leipzig: 1905-1915, sup. Oslo, Uppsala and Kobenhavn: 1931). s.n. Refr [3] Knudsen Gunnar, Marius Kristiansen, & Rikard Hornby, _Danmarks Gamle Personnavne_, Vol. I: Fornavne (Copenhagen: 1936-48). s.n. R(ae)f