Here's the information we found on your arms.
We couldn't find any way to describe the design you sent in the context of medieval heraldry. We would suggest that you look at some examples of medieval heraldry so that you can get more of a feel for the way heraldic designs generally looked.
The best book for this is "A Dictionary of Heraldry" by Joseph Foster, which has thousands of real coats of arms in it.
If you can't find this book, there is a Web page with pictures of a German roll of arms from the 1340's. The URL is
The illustrations in other heraldry books might be helpful, but not all of them will be of specifically medieval heraldry--but they will give you some idea of heraldic style.
Elsbeth Anne Roth, Walraven van Nijmege, and Arval d'Espas Nord all contributed to this letter.
If you need further assistance, we'd be happy to help you.
In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel