Here is the information we found on the name "Uchiyama no Miyoshi Murasaki."
Uchiyama appears to be a modern surname, but does not appear to correspond to a medieval surname--we found no medieval surnames with the first element "Uchi." The earliest citation for Uchiyama we found was Uchiyama Matatsu (1740-1821). However, we did find the name "Yamauchi" in 1572. Yamauchi means "inside the mountain(s)," while Uchiyama means "inner mountain," so "Yamauchi" would be the more natural choice for a surname which describes a person's place of origin.
"Miyoshi" is another name which is fairly common in modern Japanese but isn't found in any medieval source.
Although "Murasaki" is the name of the author of the "Tale of Genji," it's not completely clear that Murasaki was being used as a personal name in this example. Our researcher for Japanese names is currently moving, so she wasn't able to examine the question in great detail. She doubts, however, that it was used without restrictions.
Unfortunately, we do not think that any of your name elements were actually used in medieval Japan. If you could give us some idea of what you wanted in your name (sound, meaning, time period, etc.) we could provide some more constructive suggestions.
Solveig Throndarsdottir researched this letter.
We hope this has been helpful, and that we can be of further assistance.
In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel