ACADEMY OF SAINT GABRIEL REPORT 2682 ************************************ 8 Jul 2003 From: Aryanhwy merch Catmael Greetings from the Academy of S. Gabriel! You wanted to know if or would be an appropriate name for a German man living between 1300 and 1450. Here is the information we have found. The given name is fine for the later end of your period; as you are aware, it is found in Arnsburg in the 15th century. Earlier, we find between 1350 and 1400, and in the Latinized form between 1300 and 1350. [1,4] Thus, we believe that is a better choice for the 15th century, while before that we'd expect to see . is the name of a modern town in Upper Austria. The name appears in 1294 in the name . [2] At some point between the 13th century and modern times, the name apparently evolved to match the more familiar elements "straw" and <-heim> "dwelling place, house", even though the original name was not related to either of these words. Unfortunately, we have no evidence of the form of the name between 1294 and modern times. It is plausible that the shift to the modern was complete by the end of the 16th century. It is less likely that it happened before 1450, so we can't recommend for this Austrian town in your period. However, in a fine name for your period. We did find other place names begining with the element , including , near Offenburg in Baden, which is recorded as and in 1482 and in 1579 [2], and in Mecklenburg, which is recorded as 1352 and 1548. [2] Linguistically, the forms of would go well with your given name; the in Mecklen- burg would not be as appropriate, as it is in a different dialectal area. Place-names containing the element <-heim>, originally 'dwelling- place, house', are very old, going back to the initial Germanic colonization of areas formerly held by the Romans (and hence in the south and west). [3] Although the element occasionally appears as <- haim> in very early records, as in 766 and 823, <-heim> is found as early as the 8th century (e.g., 760) and seems to be the usual spelling by the 9th century. [5] This element is most often combined with a personal name, as in 'Thancarad's dwelling-place'. [5] Unfortunately, we have not found any early Germanic personal name that might have produced a later place-name ; the closest we can come is . There is an early Germanic masculine name , attested from 866. [6] It is also seen in 849, the earliest recorded form of the modern place-name . [7] The possessive form of the name was in Old High German, so an Old High German place-name meaning 'Strupo's dwelling-place' would have been . [8] In most of the south the

became at an early date, and in Bavaria the first vowel became during the 13th century. [9] At that point the name would have assumed its most probable modern form, . We hope that this letter has been useful to you and that you won't hesitate to write again if any part was unclear or if you have further questions. Research and commentary on this letter was provided by Arval Benicoeur, Talan Gwynek, and Adelaide de Beaumont. For the Academy, -Argantgui filia Catmaili, 08Jul03 -- References: [1] Talan Gwynek, "Late Period German Masculine Given Names" (WWW: Academy of Saint Gabriel, 1997). [2] Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann, _Etymologisches Woerterbuch der deutschen Familiennamen_ (Limburg a. d. Lahn, C. A. Starke-Verlag, 1957-1960). s.nn. Stra(e)ner, Strohbach, Strohkirche(r) [3] Schwarz, Ernst, _Deutsche Namenforschung. II: Orts- und Flurnamen_ (Goettingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 1950). pp. 125, 139 [4] Mulch, Roland, _Arnsburger Personennamen: Untersuchungen zum Namenmaterial aus anrsburger Urkunden vom 13. - 16. Jahrhundert_ (Darmstadt & Marburg: Hessischen Historischen Kommission Darmstadt and the Historischen Kommission fu"r Hessen, 1974). [5] Schwarz, op. cit. 130ff [6] Socin, Adolf, _Mittelhochdeutsches Namenbuch. Nach oberrheinischen Quellen des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts_ (Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1903; Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1966). p. 168 [7] Fertl, Hans "Geschichte der Gemeinde Steinkirchen = History of the Community of Steinkirchen". [8] Richard von Kienle, _Historische Laut- und Formenlehre des Deutschen_ (Tu"bingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1960). p. 171 [9] Ibid., pp. 34, 108