Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 273

Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 273

This report is available at

Some of the Academy's early reports contain errors that we haven't yet corrected. Please use it with caution.


Here's the information we found on Turkish names.

None of our members has information about Turkish names in particular. Turkish is not related to Arabic--it's an Altaic language related to the languages spoken in central Asia. There are some names which were adopted into Turkish from Arabic, but even these were modified (for example, Arabic "Muhammad" became Turkish "Mahmud.") The Turks didn't actually move into Turkey until the 10th century, so any Turkish persona from Turkey would have to date from this period or later.

You can get some information on Turkish names from histories of Turkey. If possible, see if the author discusses their treatment of names; many authors standardize or otherwise alter the forms of the names they use. This is not an ideal way to find names, but it's the best approach we can suggest.

Solveig Throndarsdottir, Elsbeth Anne Roth, and Arval D'Espas Nord contributed to this letter.

We're sorry we can't provide more information, but we hope this gives you a start.

In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel