ACADEMY OF SAINT GABRIEL REPORT 2795 ************************************ 21 Nov 2003 From: Aryanhwy merch Catmael Greetings from the Academy of S. Gabriel! You wanted to know if 'Pavel the newcomer' is an appropriate name for a 16th century Czech man. Here is the information we have found. is a fine choice for your given name. In the 16th century, it was one of 11 names that were used by 50-60% of all Czech men. [1] It was pronounced \PAH-vel\. While our sources for Czech bynames are not very comprehensive, we believe is a fine choice for your byname; here, the slash represents an acute accent on the . was originally an adjective (this fact is denoted by the ending <-ny/>) for a newcomer to a village. It is related to the surname , 'newman', which was one of the most common family names in Bohemia and Moravia. [3] In Polish we find in 1426 and 1478 [2]; these represent either a borrowing of the Czech byname or simply a parallel formation. We also found a reference that dates to 1626. [4] We have no doubt that is a fine choice for your period. It was pronounced approximately \NOA-voat-nee\, where \oa\ is the vowel in . We hope that this letter has been useful to you and that you won't hesitate to write us again if any part was unclear or if you have further questions. Research and commentary on this letter was provided by Talan Gwynek, Juliana de Luna, Arval Benicoeur, Adelaide de Beaumont, Ursula Georges, and Walraven van Nijmegen. For the Academy, -Aryanhwy merch Catmael, 21Nov03 -- References: [1] Walraven van Nijmegen, "Common Czech Names of the 15th & 16th Centuries" (WWW: Academy of S. Gabriel, 1999). [2] Taszycki, Witold (ed.), _S{l/}ownik Staropolskich Nazw Osobowych_, vols. I-VII (Wroc{l/}aw: Zak{l/}ad Narodowy Imienia Ossoli{n'}skich, Polska Akademia Nauk, 1965-1987). s.n. Nowotny [3] "Czech Surnames", based on "Jak vznikala nase prijmeni (How did our surnames come into being)" in Moldanova, Dobroslava, _Nase prijmeni_ (Prague: 1983). (WWW: Self-published) [4] "Publikace o obci Klenovice, ktera/ byla vyda/na roku 1998 u p{rv}i/le{zv}itosti {sv}estiste/ho vy/ro{cv}i/ Klenovic - Publication of the community of Klenovica, which was published in the year 1998 on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of Klenovica. Napsal: PhDr. Jaroslav Hojdar (narozen v Klenovicích r. 1933).