ACADEMY OF SAINT GABRIEL REPORT 2912 ************************************ 29 Nov 2004 From: Aryanhwy merch Catmael Greetings from the Academy of Saint Gabriel! You wrote about a name appropriate for an Asturo-Leonese man living between 1200 and 1400. You were particularly interested in a name or a similar name meaning "Alexander who lives near a monumental cross". The name is a good choice for that period. We have found it in the 12th century [1] and the 15th c. [2] It is only reasonable that it was used also in your period of interest. Unfortunately, we cannot recommend a surname referring to a cross that is appropriate for your period. The surname appears late in our period, but we haven't found examples before the 15th century [3] and most were from the 16th century. [6] We believe that was a devotional name, adopted to demonstrate piety, rather than a locative byname based on a man's place of residence. In the period when we find many of our examples, some of them were definitely adopted for religious reasons [4]. We therefore believe that would be a fine name for a 15th or 16th century man, but not for the 13th-14th centuries you want to re-create. You can solve this problem by choosing a different surname. By far the most common type of byname in these examples is a patronymic, i.e. a surname that identified a man as his father's son. This could take the form of the father's given name used as a surname, as in or ; or the genitive (possessive) form of the father's given name, as in (son of Pelayo), (son of Marti/no). The slash represents an acute accent mark over the preceding letter. Here is a list of names that appear in our 14th century Leonese data. These are names of citizens - middle-class people - from Astorga [5], a town in Leon. The spellings have been modernized (unless marked by an asterisk). Dom Guiyelmo 1255 Pelayo Giro/n 1281 Pedro Pelays 1285 Gutier Pelays ca 1285 Esteban Felipe* 1315 Alfo/n Pe/rez 1317 Samuel, jew 1317 Guillermo Perez 1327 Pedro Marcos 1327 Pedro Domi/nguez 1344 Diego Felipez 1363 Diego A/lvarez (father) 1363 Iohan Pelays 1364 Garci/a Ferna/ndez 1373 Mose Gazo, jew 1373 Ruy Peres 1373 Alvar Marti/nez 1379 Francisco Marti/nez 1380 Juan Alfo/n 1393-1420 Diego A/lvarez (son) 1393-1420 If you like any of these name elements we can probably research them further and suggest a likely spelling for the period. You may also find of interest two lists of members of the Castillian Order of the Band, from 1332 and 1348, which would have included a number of men from the Astur-Leonese region. Members of the Order of the Band We hope this letter has been useful. Please write us again if any part of it has been unclear or if you have other questions. I was assisted in researching and writing this letter by Juliana de Luna, Arval Benicoeur, Talan Gwynek, and Mor inghean Chathail. For the Academy, Leonor Martin & Aryanhwy merch Catmael 29 November 2004 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - References: [1] [2] [3] We found only one 15th century example: . It appears in a work dated to 1443. Alfonso Marti/­nez de Toledo, _Atalaya de las Cro/nicas_, Electronic Texts and Concordances of the Madison Corpus of Early Spanish Manuscripts and Printings. Prepared by John ONeill. (Madison and New York, 1999). CD-ROM. (ISBN 1-56954-122-1). Corpus del Espan~ol (WWW: Mark Davies, 2001-02), s.n. . [4] , the companion and follower of Teresa of Avila, and , the Mexican nun and poet, both changed their names and adopted as a byname. At the same time other religious bynames become popular. [5] Gregoria Cavero Domi/nguez, _Las Cofradi/as en Astorga durante la Edad Media_, Universidad de Leo/n, 1992, pp.116, 240-247. [6] Elsbeth Anne Roth, "16th Century Spanish Names" (WWW: Self-published, 2002)