Here is the information we found on the name "Salvatore Amadeo DelRossa."
Middle names weren't generally found in Italy until the 14th century, and we haven't found any examples of middle names before 1200.
Unfortunately, we don't have much else in the way of positive information about this name. We don't have any good sources for pre-Renaissance Italian names, so it's difficult for us to make statements about what was done. Between 900 and 1200 Sicily was ruled by Moors and Normans, both of whom had an impact on the names and culture. We're sure that there are differences between Sicilian and Florentine names, but we can't say what they are. The only way to be sure you're getting a Sicilian name is to read histories of the time and see what names were used by Sicilians. The closest source we were able to find is a 1285 census of Perugia, which doesn't list "Salvatore" but does list Salvatio, Salvo, Salvetto, Salvolo, and Salvutio. Of course we can't be sure that these names were used in Sicily, but they're closer in both space and time to your time and place, so you may want to use one of these.
Arval D'Espas Nord and Evan da Collaureo contributed to this letter.
We hope this has been helpful. If we can be of further assistance in the future, please let us know.
In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel