ACADEMY OF SAINT GABRIEL REPORT 3301 ************************************ 4 Jun 2007 From: Aryanhwy merch Catmael Greetings from the Academy of S. Gabriel! You wanted to know if is an authentic name for a Frenchman living in the 1580's in the Basse-Normandy region. Here is what we have found. There are a number of different forms of that were in use in northern France in the 16th century. We found the following: Normandy --------------------- Nicole, 16th C [1] Brittany (south-west of Basse-Normandy) --------------------- Nicholas, 1510, 1520, 1521 [2] Nicolas, 1534, 1555 [2] Nycolas, 1522, 1561 [2] Picardy (north-east of Basse-Normandy) --------------------- Nicolas, 9 examples in the 16th C [3] and 29 examples from 1589 on [4] Provins (east of Basse-Normandy) ---------------------- Nicolas, seven times in 1587 [5] Nicole, once in 1587 [5] Based on this, or is a fine choice for your name, particularly . We haven't found any examples of 'the black' used in the 16th century. However, we have an example of it in the early 15th century [6], and we found a number of other simple descriptive surnames used in the 16th century Normandy, including 'the white', 'the large', and 'the red'. [1] We also find in 1535 and in 16th-century Picardy and in Artois in 1601. [3,7,8] As is a very common French surname in modern times [9], we have little doubt that or was in use in the late 16th century. We hope that this letter has been useful to you and that you won't hesitate to write us again if any part was unclear or if you have further questions. Research and commentary on this letter was provided by Adelaide de Beaumont, Talan Gwynek, and Coblaith Muimnech. For the Academy, -Aryanhwy merch Catmael, 04 June 2007 -- References: [1] Cateline de la Mor, "Sixteenth Century Norman Names" (SCA: KWHS Proceedings, 1994; WWW: Academy of Saint Gabriel, 1997). [2] Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, "Given Names from Brittany, 1384-1600" (WWW: Academy of S. Gabriel, 2001) [3] Arval Benicoeur, "Names from Sixteenth Century Picardy" (WWW: Academy of S. Gabriel, 2005) [4] Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (Kathleen M. O'Brien), "Names Found in Ambleny Registers 1578-1616" (WWW: Academy of S. Gabriel, 2005-2006), version 1.2, updated 01 June 2006. [5] Friedemann, Sara L., "Names from a 1587 Tax Roll from Provins" (WWW: privately published, 2002). [6] Friedemann, Sara L., "French Names from Paris, 1421, 1423 & 1438" (WWW: privately published, 2002-2003). [7] Robert, Michel, "Crew of the Le Christophe in 1535" (WWW:, no date) [8] Uckelman, Sara L., "Names from Artois, 1601" (WWW: Self-published, 2002, 2004). [9] Dauzat, Albert, _Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille et Prenoms de France_ (Paris: Libraire Larousse, 1987), s.n. Lenoir.