Here's the information we found on the name "Cluanaidh de Craeg Dhubh."
We found a medieval Irish word "clu/anaige" or "trickster," but we have no evidence that this would have been used as a given name. Before we comment on the name "Cluanaidh," we should find out whether it's a possible given name. Please let us know where you found it, and we can attempt to track it down.
"de" was used in Irish only to replace French or English use of "de," and wouldn't be used with an Irish place. We're not completely sure what the grammar should be, but our best guess is that it would be "Creige Duibhe" with no preposition.
Talan Gwynek and Arval Benicouer contributed to this letter.
We hope this has been helpful, and that we can continue to assist you.
In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel