Here's the information we found on your English name "Tobias Drake."
"Tobias Drake" could be a name for someone from any period after the mid-12th century.
"Tobias" is one of the few Old Testament names which is used before the Reformation. It comes from the Book of Tobit, a Biblical story which was very popular throughout the Middle Ages. The first dated reference to "Tobias" is from 1142. We have no references from 1300 to 1500, but this is most likely because of our sources. Generally, people named "Tobias" were called "Toby" in day-to-day life; your persona would be called "Toby" except in formal circumstances. (1)
"Drake" is also a common name, first recorded in 1185. In 1200 it would almost certainly be "le Drake." If you want an earlier persona, use "le Drake." (2)
So, "Tobias Drake" (or "Tobias le Drake") is an excellent name for an English persona.
Arval Benicouer researched this letter.
We hope this has been helpful. If we can continue to assist you, please let us know.
In service,
Alan Terlep
Academy of S. Gabriel
(1) Withycombe, E. "Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names."
(2) Reaney & Wilson. "Dictionary of English Surnames."