Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 422

Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 422

This report is available at

Some of the Academy's early reports contain errors that we haven't yet corrected. Please use it with caution.


Here's the information we can give you on Irish names from the 10th and 11th centuries.

Our Web page has a list of women's names from a 12th-century source which will definitely be helpful. The URL is

The best book we can suggest is "Irish Names" by O'Corrain & Maguire. If you can't get it in a library you can order it from Barnes & Noble for $12.95 at the Web page


by clicking on the "Book Search" button and searching for the title.

Arval Benicoeur researched this letter.

We hope this has been helpful, and that we can continue to assist you.

In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel