Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 425

Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 425

This report is available at

Some of the Academy's early reports contain errors that we haven't yet corrected. Please use it with caution.


Here's the information we found on the Romansch name "Steuen Tgetgel."

We confirmed your finding that "Tg" is used in Romansch to represent the sound that English uses "ch" to represent. Beyond that, we weren't able to find out much about this name. We don't know of any sources for information on Romansch names. We did find an Italian name "Ceccelli" which would be pronounced similarly to "Tgetgel," so it's at least plausible that this is a medieval name. We weren't able to find any information about the most likely Romansch form of "Steven" either. It's likely that some form of "Steven" is a Romansch name, since S. Stephen was a well-known figure throughout Europe.

Evan da Collaureo, Tangwystl verch Morgant Glasvryn, Talan Gwynek, and Arval Benicoeur contributed to this letter.

We're sorry we weren't able to provide more information. If we can be of assistance in the future, please let us know.

In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel