Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 429

Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 429

This report is available at

Some of the Academy's early reports contain errors that we haven't yet corrected. Please use it with caution.


Here's the information we found on your proposed Swedish name, "Hadrian Jarvssen."

"Hadrian" is a form of the Latin name "Adrianus." Forms of this name are found throughout Europe, and we found the following references in Swedish: (1)

At least two of these people were German, not Swedish, but we think that "Adrian" is a plausible Swedish name for the 16th century.

We had more difficulty with "Jarvssen." Medieval names are generally literal, so that "Adrian Jarvssen" means "Adrian, whose father is a wolverine." Since your persona's father was presumably a human being, this isn't a very likely name.

We did look to see if "Jarv" was used as a name for people, but we didn't find it. There are only a few animals whose names were also the names of people. These few names are very old, and there's no evidence that other animal-names were used by humans.

Depending on why you wanted to use "Jarvssen," you could do different things. If you're interested in the sound, you could use "Dierf," which means "bold, audacious." (2) If you're trying to say that you have particular characteristics of a wolverine, we could look for names that carry the meaning you want. Or, you could start from scratch and look for a totally different name.

Lindorm Eriksson, Tangwystl verch Morgant Glasvryn, Talan Gwynek, and Hartmann Rogge contributed to this letter.

Whatever you do, we would be happy to continue working with you. The current Laurel Queen of Arms (the chief SCA herald) has said that letters from the Academy can be used as documentation if they include all the headers.

(1) "Sveriges Meteltilde Personamn."

(2) Lind, under "Dierf."