Here's the information we found on your German name "Aleric von Eschenbach."
You said that your name was based on a mispronunciation of "Altheric." It's just as well that you've changed your name, because we found examples of "Aleric" but not of "Altheric."
"Aleric" is a variant of the common German name "Alaric." The only references to "Aleric" we found were from 723 and 818 (very early-period). We recommend that you use the spelling "Alaric" instead.
"Eschenbach" is a late-period form of a medieval German town. The earlier forms of this name include:
("de" is the Latin word for "from," and is commonly used in documents instead of "von." You could use either one in your name--in period different people would have used both of them, depending on the circumstances).
"Alaric von Eschenbach" is a good name for a Renaissance German persona. If you're interested in a medieval persona, we would recommend using one of the forms of "Eschenbach" listed above.
Rouland Carre, Talan Gwynek, Arval Benicouer, Walraven van Nijmege, Pedro de Alcazar, and Tangwystl verch Morgant Glasvryn contributed to this letter.
We hope this has been helpful, and that we can continue to assist you.
In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel