Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 550

Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 550

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Some of the Academy's early reports contain errors that we haven't yet corrected. Please use it with caution.


Here is the information we found on your name "Petrina Nataliya Stratilatovna," which you wanted to use as a Russian name.

Unfortunately, there are several reasons why this name is not a possible medieval Russian name.

First, we couldn't find any examples of "Petrina" from the Middle Ages. It's probably a modern name. We did find "Petronila," which is similar. (1)

Second, we couldn't find "Stratilatovna," which means "daughter of Stratilat." "Stratilatov," the male form of this name, was an artificial name given to future priests. It was used fairly often after 1600, but not before then. (2) We also looked for the name "Stratilat," but we couldn't find any examples of this name either.

Finally, Russians only used two first names when one came from a Slavic root and the other from a Christian root. A name like "Ol'ga Natali'a" would be possible, but "Petronila Natali'a" would not.

Given all this, there are a couple possibilities. You could use something that sounds similar--we found the man's name "Stratimir," and you could use "Stratimirova" (daughter of Stratomir) as a name. Either "Petronila Stratimirova" or "Natali'a Stratimirovna" are reasonable names for medieval Russia.

Alternatively, you could go to the source. The Dictionary of Medieval Russian Names by Paul Goldschmidt lists thousands of Russian names and gives instructions on their construction. This book is on the Web at

This would give you an idea of the possiblities for names.

Talan Gwynek researched this letter.

We hope this has been helpful, and that we can continue to assist you.

In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel