ACADEMY OF SAINT GABRIEL REPORT 693 *********************************** ************************************************* * * * NOTE: Some of the Academy's early reports * * contain errors that we haven't yet * * corrected. Please use it with caution. * * * ************************************************* 1 Mar 1998 Greetings from the Academy of S. Gabriel, You asked us about women's names appropriate to Bruges in 1470, in particular about names that are neither Biblical nor Germanic in origin. Most names for your place and period are Biblical or Germanic. Of the remaining names, almost all the rest are of Greek or Latin origin, and often are the names of popular saints. There is an on-line collection of Bruges name data [1]; this is a list of guild members from 1400 to 1600. There are only a few feminine names on that list, but we have collected these together. We also found a list of feminine given names from southern Holland in 1376 [2], and have included these as well. We have marked each name to indicate its likely origin: + Biblical; * Germanic; $ Saint or christian devotional name; L-Latin, but not obviously Christian, ? uncertain $ Adriana $ Aghata, Aechte $ Agnes, Neeskina, Neysel * Aleydis, Aleyd, Aelent * Alvara + Anna $ Beatrix * Bessela $ Cathe/rine, Katherina, Katharina, Katheline, Kathelyne $ Celye $ Christina, Cristina, Stina, Styenken $ Clara L Delye (Delyanna) * Dyerwijf * Eefsa, Eefssa + Elisabeth, Elysabeth, Lysa, Lijsbet, Lysbette, Lysbet, Lysbeth, Lijske ? Enggela * Ermgard + Eva L Floris * Gheerburgis * Gertruda, Gertrudis, Gheertrudis, Truda, Trude * Hadewigis * Heylwigis, Heylwiga * Hylla, Hilla, Hyldegondis * Yda, Ida $* Johanna * Jutta L Lucia * Lumoedis * Luta + Magdalena, Magdalene $ Margreta, Margareta, Margarita, Met + Maria, Marie * Mechtildis, Mechteld * Merswindis * Nenneken * Oede $ Pauweline. + Salome, Saleme, Salomea $ Sophia ? Zensa _______________________________________________________ We hope this will help you get started. If you are interested in a complete authentic name, you will need also to select a byname, a second name element that describes which Elizabeth or which Hylla you are. For the time and place of your interest, the most likely forms this would take are [2]: (1) relational -- "daughter of {x}", "mother of {x}", "wife of {x}", and there are examples of "widow" or "sister". (2) locative (where you live or come from). In Bruges, these could be constructed as "de {place name}" or "van {place}" (3) occupational (though this is more likely for a man than a woman) (4) descriptive -- "the tall", "the dirty", etc. This seems to be less common than the other categories. If you need specific information, we can provide that for you. You can certainly find many Bruges surnames from the on-line source we mentioned [1]. _______________________________________________________ We hope this has been helpful, and that we can continue to assist you. In service, --Walraven van Nijmegen Academy of S. Gabriel _______________________________________________________ [1] Luana de Grood (Loveday Toddekyn). "Flemish Names from Bruges" March 1996 [2] G. M. Van der Velden. "Het Oudste Cijnregister van de Abdij van Berne uit 1376". 's-Hertogenbosch, 1982. ------------------------------------------------------------------------