Here's the information we found on the name "Cleireac," which you wanted to use as an 11th century Irish name.
The most common 11th-century form of this name is <Cléirech>. (1) It means "clerk" and was fairly common among clerical and learned families. (2)
The English did not have a significant presence in Ireland until the 13th century, so an 11th-century Irishman would not have had an Anglicized byname. If you wanted to have a later-period persona so that you could use an Anglicized byname, you would also have to Anglicize your given name.
Talan Gwynek, Tangwystl verch Morgant Glasvryn, and Arval Benicoeur contributed to this letter.
We hope that this has been helpful, and that we can continue to assist you.
In service,
Alan Fairfax
Academy of S. Gabriel
(1) O/ Corráin, Donnchadh and Fidelma Maguire, _Irish Names_ (Dublin:
The Lilliput Press, 1990).
(2) O'Brien, M. A., ed., Corpus Genealogiarum Hiberniae (Dublin: The
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1976).