Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 851

Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 851

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Greetings from the Academy of Saint Gabriel!

You asked for information about <Kelton Loktil> and about the surname <Lydolf>, and about eastern German names. Here is what we have found.

We could not find <Kelton> as a German name. The element <-ton> is typically found in English place names and in surnames derived from them. Many English surnames were re-cycled as given names after the 17th century, but not in our period. There is an English places called <Kilton>, recorded as early as 1206, and <Kalton>, recorded as <Calton> in 1336 [1].

We could not find <Loktil> at all. If you can tell us where you found it, we may be able to find more information.

We could not find the spelling <Lydolf>, but it appears to be a variant of the very common German name <Ludolf>. There was a 10th century Saint Ludolf, and we find several examples of the name in its latinized form <Ludolfus>. One instance is recorded in 1135, several more in the late 13th century, and one in 1390. We also find examples of the pet forms <Ludeko> 1258, <Lu"deke> 1302, and <Ludeke> 1349. (The " represents an umlaut on the <u>.) The name was particularly popular in the north of Germany [2, 3, 4]. Because we haven't found the spelling <Lydolf>, we recommend using one of the forms we did find.

If you want to consider some other German given names, you can find a couple lists from period records at my medieval names website.

Follow the links for German names.

I hope this letter has been useful. Please write us again if any part of it has been unclear or if you have other questions. I was assisted in researching and writing this letter by Walraven van Nijmegen, Zenobia Naphtali, Talan Gwynek, and Lindorm Eriksson.

For the Academy,

Arval Benicoeur


[1] Reaney, P. H., & R. M. Wilson, _A Dictionary of English Surnames_

(London: Routledge, 1991; Oxford University Press, 1995).

[2] Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann, _Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen

familiennamen_ (Limburg a. d. Lahn, C. A. Starke-Verlag, 1957-1960).

[3] Socin, Adolf, _Mittelhochdeutsches Namenbuch. Nach oberrheinischen

Quellen des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts_ (Basel: Helbing &Lichtenhahn, 1903; Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1966).

[4] Mulch, Roland, _Arnsburger Personennamen: Untersuchungen zum

Namenmaterial aus anrsburger Urkunden vom 13. - 16. Jahrhundert_ (Darmstadt & Marburg: Hessischen Historischen Kommission Darmstadt and the Historischen Kommission fu:r Hessen, 1974).