he might not sing so wildly well

Back in the good old days, when the world was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep -- we didn't need all this literary criticism, semiotics, deconstruction; because there was just the Word, and it was singular.

Back then, we had all the time we wanted for all the things I can't explain to you; but God had to get this bright idea about making a world. Now we have this load of excruciatingly dull maintenance work, to keep the whole show running.

Worse, God wasn't content to just set things up and watch them run. Oh, no, He had to make these smart-stupid creatures to play with, who use all these little words, that don't truly mean anything, that hide the real meaning, the real Word. And He and Satan make bets about how these silly creatures will act when they're fed the proper little words.

So we go down among mortals, on the orders of God or of Satan, or on our own bored whims. We come to you in the depths of the night, and whisper the most inane rubbish in your ears, and you believe us. You believe us. And you start wars or families, kill each other or heal each other, join in cults or communities, all on our say-so.

All these little words that keep you (and us) so confused -- sometimes I think they're all that's left. Now that the world is all created, maybe it's the Word that's void.

Copyright 1993 Edward Gaillard. All rights reserved.
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