
Crossing through gridlock in an easy amble,
almost seeing the steam from the drivers' ears,
I mockingly conduct a horn ensemble.

Running through fast traffic, feeling no fear,
doing the dash stutter-step dance of danger,
delighting in the thrill that I don't care,

I laugh at cabbies' curses, flip the finger
and, at the far curb, stroll away.  All's fair--

this is a simple game to me, a sport 
to fill the empty moments.  My rivals
are nameless, but it's contact of a sort.

Anything to chase away my devils--
at least jaywalking gives me the jump start
I need on days I'd rather still my heart.

Copyright 1995 Edward Gaillard. All rights reserved.
If you want to re-distribute this piece, please ask me. You can mail me at : gaillard@panix.com