From: (Ed Gaillard)
Organization: Radio Free Hades
Date: 9 Aug 1993 00:13:11 -0400
Subject: Re: haunted by a phrase (Mark. Gooley) writes:

>The phrase is "through realms of toast."

>Mark., I cannot rid myself of it

*Thank* you, Mark., for sharing that.  You helped make my weekend a
living hell.  I only hope nobody used this during the toaster thread:

Much have I travell'd through the realms of toast,
And many goodly jams and jellies seen;
Round many western omelets have I been
Which chefs as specialities of the house boast.
Oft I've been told of bread light as a ghost
That, deep-brown'd, has a flavor marv'lous keen:
Yet never did I eat its pure serene
'Till I had Saffron bread -- sweet honey-gold.
Then felt I like some hunter scanning skies,
When a new game-bird flies into his ken;
Or like stout Prudhomme, when with many tries
He first baked chile-cornbread -- his sous-chefs then
Look'd at each other with a wild surmise --
Silent, before a grill in New Orleans.

-ed g.
Its a long way / from Literary...