where no law is, there is no transgression

Several church functionaries are already in the temple when we, the congregation, are led in. One delivers the opening prayer; the high priest enters, and seats himself above the altar. He remains silent through most of the service, only occasionally uttering phrases prescribed by ritual.

The two lesser priests deliver brief homilies. They are arguing over the soul of a sinner.

Do they have a witness? Indeed they do; several, in fact. These testify; the priests examine their faith.

The priests display relics, and explain the symbolic meaning thereof, and finally deliver closing prayers.

Now the high priest reads a familiar passage from scripture, then delivers a sermon on the text. We of the congregation withdraw to the inner temple. There, we speak as the spirit moves us. We deliberate over the existence and meaning of a sin.

Finally, we decide that this sin shall be bound on earth; in that moment, an ordinary man is transubstantiated into a felon.

Leaving the temple of the Law, I blink in the midmorning sunlight.

Copyright 1993 Edward Gaillard. All rights reserved.
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