Mr. Crinkly Glittery Fun

[crinkly glittery fun!]

Q. Who is this guy?
A. Mr. Crinkly Glittery Fun is a super anti-hero.

Q. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
A. Well, it means that he doesn't exactly fight for Truth, Justice, and the American Way; more like Confusion, Paranoia, and the New York Way.

Q. Oh, that's helpful. So, what's with the tin foil?
A. That's to shield innocent people from the Deadly Angst Rays he emits.

Q. Angst Rays?
A. Yes. Emitting Angst Rays is one of Mr. Crinkly Glittery Fun's Super-Powers. Others are Irony, Obfuscation, Free-Association, and Doggerel.

Q. I'm not sure I want to know any more.
A. You probably don't.

Q. Well, what's he look like without the foil?
A. No, you don't really want to know.

Q. Do too!
A. Oh, all right, if you insist. Here. Happy?

Q. Errr. No.
A. Told you so.

ed g.

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