The Red Guide to Temp Agencies

Review of Core (Maiden Lane)

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, NY

Total time with agency:
few months

Wait for first assignment:

Average wait between assignments:

Last five jobs:
Job Title Length Client Hourly Wage Typical of agency?

Tests given:
Microsoft Office, etc

Payroll policies:
On-site time sheet pickup:
Direct deposit of payroll checks:
Free check cashing at agency's bank:

Medical insurance:
Dental insurance:
Paid vacation:
Transportation allowance:
Entertainment allowance:
Matching contributions:

My interviewer showed up looking like she was going to a clam bake (tie-die t-shirt, jeans, etc) but said "you look great!" Thanks, I'm here for an interview.
Despite telling me to come in "dressed and ready to go!" she wondered why I did come in, twice. She'd apparently forgotten over the weekend. When I questioned it (the 2nd time) she disputed my test scores, made excuses for her extreme disorganization, had the nerve to e-mail me later to ask me to help her fill a permanent position she was working on.
Horrible. Avoid!



Thu Jul 28 17:14:13 EST 2005

Browse Back Search the Red Guide Challenge Database for information from the staff of Core (Maiden Lane), or agencies with similar names. Browse Forward

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The Red Guide to Temp Agencies is copyright 1994-2004 by Angus B. Grieve-Smith.
It may be reproduced in its entirety, but may not be sold for profit or reproduced in part without written permission of the Editor.

Note that all reviews are individual contributions and do not represent the opinion of the site administrator. They have not been independently verified, so there is nothing to stop someone from posting a pack of lies. Some agencies with great reviews may be really bad, and some agencies with bad reviews may be really great. As with everything online, be careful and don't believe everything you read. I take no responsibility for what comes up when you google yourself.

Feel free to email me with questions or comments. Please do NOT email me your resume. I am not an employer, and I cannot get you a job. If you send me your resume anyway, I will report it to your internet provider. My email address is